49 High Street, Suite 302, Barrie, ON L4N 5J4
If you have a criminal record it is likely that you will be refused entry to the United States. A U.S. Entry Waiver will give you advance permission to legally enter the U.S.A. Don’t face the nightmare of being turned away at the border.
A U.S. Entry Waiver is a legal document granted by U.S. Homeland Security which provides pre-clearance fora person to enter the United States. Travelling internationally is a privilege and not a right to Canadian citizens and residents.
As your representative, ACF Pardons & Waivers prepares the U.S. legal documents on your behalf to request a U.S. Entry Waiver. Our experience in the U.S. Waiver decision-making process helps us prepare a compelling case that greatly increases your chance of approval.
If you have a criminal record in Canada, chances are you will not be allowed to enter the United States. According to United States Immigration and Nationality Act, a criminal conviction makes it illegal for you to enter under most circumstances with a few exceptions.
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